Here you can duplicate the print. I added some effects to emulate the look of the original. Three orbs. |
Here they have added a real mirror where the original print had one depicted so you can add yourself to the art. |
Nothing Escher, just a fun display. |
I had never seen his three dimension work. Beautiful. |
This is another illusion where you have be perfectly positioned. |
One of his more famous works, "Lizards". It was used for the first Mott the Hoople album cover. |
My lovely museum companions. Toni and Sarah. |
One of his more intricate and imaginative works. |
This was the basis for Ian Hunter's first solo album. |
One of his "Metamorphosis" pieces. This is something like 30 feet long and impossible to photograph properly. |
Another favourite piece. The lighting made it very difficult to get focused photos. |
The Escher Museum is located in the former Lange Voorhout Palace. |