



Thursday, April 28, 2011

And The Apartment They Chose??


If you recall from the post a few weeks ago I left all you hanging just a little bit on what apartment we picked. Friends on Facebook already know and I suspect the rest of you were able to figure out that we chose the last one. We just love it here after just our first full day. Honestly, there are elements of all of our recent homes including Lake Quivira. Yes, once again we have a lake view, although this time it is Lake Ontario. There is, as in the loft, an open kitchen, frosted glass on the closets, ensuite laundry, and best of all: fully furnished. As in Manhattan, we are near parks, huge areas of finance and shopping, Toronto's version of Times Square at Yonge and Dundas, skyscraper views, and tons of public transportation. Like our former lake house we have an open design that is small enough to still feel cosy.

We are still getting settled and tomorrow I have to go back out to the airport to get our boxes released from customs. That is a four hour round trip by cab to get a piece of paper, take it 15 minutes over to customs to get it stamped, then back to FedEx to get them to complete the delivery.

I am even more determined to travel yet lighter. Shipping items simply is not worth the trouble and expense.

Toni isn't quite ready to share photos of the apartment...but very soon.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You've Found It

Welcome to the second chapter in the "Our Year In..." series. Please subscribe with the box to the right and never miss a post. There is an authentication step followed by an email confirmation. Be sure to respond to the email in order to activate your subscription.
More soon...